Friday, February 18, 2011

Blake Wheeler Trade

Here's something a little different for our loyal readers to chew on. Far be it for me to comment on a hockey trade, even one as monumental as Blake Wheeler getting traded along with healthy scratch for Rich Peverley and a guy named Boris, so what I have for you is a collection of celebrity's reaction to the big trade. There are certainly mixed reviews among this group but overall, it seems like the celebrities have given the trade VERY LITTLE CREDIT.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ray Allen

Finally some evidence that good things happen to good people. Last night Ray Allen broke the NBA record for career 3 pointers with a 3 ball in the first quarter of the Celtics loss to the L.A. Cunts. Good for Ray Ray. To steal a line from Steven A. Smith; Allen is "class personified" . Ray is everything good you want in a athlete, well spoken and not even just for a black guy, he's legit well spoken. By all accounts a good father and husband and one of the more charitable athletes in sports. Not to mention Ray's work ethic and routine. Nobody works harder than Allen. He's up at 4 A.M. each morning to run 42 miles up hill, then hits the gym and doesn't leave until he's hit 4,597 3 pointers and 24,000 free throws in a row. The man eats Grilled Chicken with plain rice and steamed broccoli everyday for god sakes what frign dedication. Congrats on a well deserved record!
Ray Allen a champion & a role model gets FULL FUCKING CREDIT.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Super Bowl XLV

I'd love to give a detailed description of the game but to be honest, I barley remember it since I was drinking all day. I know Green Bay won by more than 2.5, so I give Super Bowl XLV FULL CREDIT

Monday, February 7, 2011


This movie is hilarious. I love it so much. The first two Big Momma's House movies made me laugh so hard I shit my pants. The first two installments of the trilogy had just one man dressing up like a fat black woman, but this one has twice as many men dressing up like fat black women because the person who plays Martin Lawrence's son is doing it too. I don't even care why, the idea is so funny it just makes sense. Martin Lawrence possesses a comedic genius not seen in my lifetime. I know that technically this movie doesn't come out until February 18th so I haven't seen it, but I give Big Mommas: Like Father Like Son FULL CREDIT.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Andris Biedrins' Haircut

Look at this guy (the one on the right). OUTSTANDING haircut. Kirilenko wishes he could have hair like this. I just can't believe someone with such beautiful hair could have only hit 16 percent of his free throws last year. Nevertheless, I give Andris Biedrins' haircut FULL CREDIT.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Harry's Law

There is never anything on TV and its Monday Night, no football to speak of....WAIT! What time is it? OH SHIT, its 5 of 10 ....DVR set....Check. Cant wait the 5 minutes till 10:00 p.m. when NBC's new show staring oscar winner Kathy Bates stars in Harry's Law, this show sucks! I have never seen it, I will never see it, I wont even pass by it while changing the channels I will stop at channel 6 and then press 008 on my remote just so my eyes dont accidentally see this natural disaster, I enjoy watching replays of 9/11 more than I enjoy the thought of this show on my television. It gets 0 zero stars and it stinks.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Death of the Human Torch

First let me give you a quick review of the Fantastic Four. Fuck them. They're a lousy team. Ben Grimm is pretty cool and Sue Richards is a cougar. But Mr.Fantastic is a lame dweeb, and Johnny Storm The Human Torch is the Jay Cutler of Super Hero's. Cocky, Egotistical, Douche Bag. Could be one of the best Super Hero's around if he applied himself, but he was to concentrated with fame and chasing tail. So when I heard that Storm was being killed off, I was thrilled. The FF series had become stagnant and shitty a long time ago , it was time for a shake up.
But leave it to the writers of the FF to mess up a hero's death. The one interesting thing about the FF was there enemies You got Galactus, Mole Man, The Mad Thinker, Puppet Master, Super Skrull and of course the baddest ass of them all Dr. Victor Von Doom. But none of the FF's historic villains got CREDIT with the kill. Storm died as he stayed behind in the Negative Zone so Richards Daughter could seal off the portal between the Baxter Building and the Negative Zone. As shitty as Storm was and as heroic as his actions were, I thought it was a piss pour way for an iconic hero to go out. Being rolled by thousands of Negative Zone bugs instead of being slayed at the hands of one of the FF arch enemies. I'll give the Storm death issue CREDIT for it's last frame(seen below) where it shows Ben Grimm and and the Richards kids devastated on the Earth side of the portal unable to aid there friend/uncle. If I gave a damn about Storm I probably would of cried. In the end I give the death of the Human Torch VERY LITTLE CREDIT.

The Pink Starburst

It must suck to be a pink Starburst. Knowing your far inferior to your companions in the package. You got the delicious Red, awesome Orange and the solid Yellow, then this useless no taste Pink one. The Pink one is like the Joe Blanton of the staff. All Stars up and down the rotation and then Pink Joe Blanton to round out the rotation. What flavor is the Pink anyway? I wonder if the Red Starburst ever gives the Pink ones shit. "Hey pink, how's it feel to know you only get eaten because your included in the pack, nobody really wants you" and of course the classic "Pink, Pink you Stink!". Get the Pink out of the pack, it's time for Starburst to go to a 3 man rotation. I give the Pink Starburst NO CREDIT.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Parmesan Stuffed Chicken Breast

My wife made this for dinner last night and it was really good. FULL CREDIT.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This Night

I am going to review tonight

It Sucks

Monday, real fuckin boring, real cold outside, I even got real cold when I went to Cumby's right across the street, I stayed up to watch the bruins and they lost, I hate using periods, commas are enough, Ben Stein is more exciting than this night, I could have had a better time at an English Filibuster


Push The Limit

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tax's Review of the Boston Globe Movie Review of No Strings Attached

About 5 minutes ago I clicked on and I see this movie No Strings Attached got reviewed by the Boston Globe and it got 3 stars. I am here to tell you not to read that review because it's dead wrong. Here is the link to it, but don't even click it.

Boston Globe Review of No Strings Attached

There's no way this movie could be any good. I haven't seen the movie and I actually never even read the review. I just saw 3 stars next to it and became enraged. This movie has Ashton Kutcher, Ludacris, and Kevin Kline in it. I give the Boston Globe review of the movie "No Strings Attached" NO CREDIT.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Cape(again)

Sorry I didn't realize Tax was reviewing this piece of shit today as well.

I agree with Tax's assessment of this nonsense 100%. God knows I like costumed vigilantes, creeping in the shadow's of a big city, fucking up bad guys. But why did NBC feel the need to create it's own shitty hero when there are scores of characters that have already been created to base a tv show on. Look at the frign Cape sissy, what's he going to do? He'd piss his pants if he ever had to deal with Wilson Fisk.
All for the Super Hero vigilante show but I couldn't be less interested in this chump hero or his story. I give this show NO CREDIT.

Godfather Trilogy

You should make it a part of life to see parts 1 and 2 they are great but dont see part 3 it stinks, id rather watch Romancing the Stone over and over again.

TV Review: The Cape

Starring: Martin Klebba, Izabella Miko and Summer Glau (if these are actual people I'd be shocked)

Storyline: After being framed for a crime, a cop makes himself into a masked hero.

Review: Please see my review of The Green Hornet. Same thing. NO CREDIT.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Black Swan

The Black Swan: Starring Natalie Portman and the chick from That 70's Show(the hot one).

This movie sucks. You know how I know it sucks? Because it's nominated for a bunch of those pussy awards, and all those type of movies suck. The only reason it's critically acclaimed is because goody 2 shoes Portman masturbates and receives oral pleasure from That 70's show girl. It's just like when Halle Berry won Best Actress just because she got it Doggystyle from Billy Bob. Nobody has even seen that whole movie, but Halle Berry gets banged so she's gotta be Best Actress. Same thing here. I give this movie NO CREDIT

Movie Review: The Green Hornet

Starring: The fat cop from Superbad and some Asian guy.

Storyline (from Playboy Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) becomes the new publisher of Los Angeles' "The Daily Sentinel" after the sudden death of his father. Britt's party life is about to change when he and his driver and kung fu expert, Kato (Jay Chou), stop a robbery. With the help of Kato, Britt starts a new career of fighting crime as the masked superhero "The Green Hornet".

Review: You got to be shitting me. This movie sucks. NO CREDIT*

* I haven't actually seen the film, but I personally guarantee you that this review is 100% accurate or your money back.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Welcome to Demon Reviews

A gathering of the worlds greatest minds to help society, an Illuminati of sorts. Our job is to watch stuff, listen to stuff, eat stuff, drink stuff, whatever... In order to guide the public away from shitty movies or a terrible meal. In other words, don't do shit, unless we do it first.