Thursday, January 27, 2011

Death of the Human Torch

First let me give you a quick review of the Fantastic Four. Fuck them. They're a lousy team. Ben Grimm is pretty cool and Sue Richards is a cougar. But Mr.Fantastic is a lame dweeb, and Johnny Storm The Human Torch is the Jay Cutler of Super Hero's. Cocky, Egotistical, Douche Bag. Could be one of the best Super Hero's around if he applied himself, but he was to concentrated with fame and chasing tail. So when I heard that Storm was being killed off, I was thrilled. The FF series had become stagnant and shitty a long time ago , it was time for a shake up.
But leave it to the writers of the FF to mess up a hero's death. The one interesting thing about the FF was there enemies You got Galactus, Mole Man, The Mad Thinker, Puppet Master, Super Skrull and of course the baddest ass of them all Dr. Victor Von Doom. But none of the FF's historic villains got CREDIT with the kill. Storm died as he stayed behind in the Negative Zone so Richards Daughter could seal off the portal between the Baxter Building and the Negative Zone. As shitty as Storm was and as heroic as his actions were, I thought it was a piss pour way for an iconic hero to go out. Being rolled by thousands of Negative Zone bugs instead of being slayed at the hands of one of the FF arch enemies. I'll give the Storm death issue CREDIT for it's last frame(seen below) where it shows Ben Grimm and and the Richards kids devastated on the Earth side of the portal unable to aid there friend/uncle. If I gave a damn about Storm I probably would of cried. In the end I give the death of the Human Torch VERY LITTLE CREDIT.

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