Friday, February 11, 2011

Ray Allen

Finally some evidence that good things happen to good people. Last night Ray Allen broke the NBA record for career 3 pointers with a 3 ball in the first quarter of the Celtics loss to the L.A. Cunts. Good for Ray Ray. To steal a line from Steven A. Smith; Allen is "class personified" . Ray is everything good you want in a athlete, well spoken and not even just for a black guy, he's legit well spoken. By all accounts a good father and husband and one of the more charitable athletes in sports. Not to mention Ray's work ethic and routine. Nobody works harder than Allen. He's up at 4 A.M. each morning to run 42 miles up hill, then hits the gym and doesn't leave until he's hit 4,597 3 pointers and 24,000 free throws in a row. The man eats Grilled Chicken with plain rice and steamed broccoli everyday for god sakes what frign dedication. Congrats on a well deserved record!
Ray Allen a champion & a role model gets FULL FUCKING CREDIT.

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